Concern for Animals
Often thought to be a "liberal" or "secular" idea, concern for animals — as Camosy's work has shown — is a mainstream idea that has strong religious underpinnings. Far from being part of the problem with how we treat animals in our culture, faithful Christianity is actually part of the solution.
Respect for life, concern for the vulnerable and voiceless, nonviolence, and protection of God's creation all point to far more concern for animals. This concern should make us rethink fundamental ideas about how we live our lives.
Camosy's experience in animal care issues:
Advisor to Faith Outreach Office of the Humane Society of the United States
Co-Editor of first Catholic journal to devote an entire issue to concern for animals
Organized informal meeting with several U.S. Catholic bishops on topic of concern for animals
"An Advent Recommendation: For Love of Animals" (Huffington Post)
View the entire archive of "Ask Charlie Anything" on the Media Page.
The New York Times | Dec. 6, 2013
In “For Love of Animals,” Dr. Camosy links his concern for animals to his beliefs on abortion, arguing that the Catholic ethics of respect for life and care for the vulnerable should make us reconsider how we treat animals. The Catholic catechism permits meat eating, he told me, “but with two qualifications: we owe animals kindness, and it’s wrong to cause them to suffer needlessly.” The clear implication, he said, is that except for the poor who can’t get food other ways, everyone has a duty at least to avoid eating factory-farmed animals. (More)
Journal of the Instiuto Humanitas Unisinos