Camosy in the News
"Ask Charlie Anything"
via Andrew Sullivan and The Dish
What would Jesus eat?
How does the animal soul differ from the human soul?
What's your take on the ethics of zoos and captivity?
What are the implications of factory farming?
And more . . .
Newark Star-Ledger |Nov. 20, 2014
Late Thursday night, and driven largely by new energy from the national story of Brittany Maynard, the New Jersey Assembly passed a bill in favor of assisted suicide. Gov. Chris Christie will almost certainly veto it, and the Senate doesn’t appear to have the votes for passage. But even if the bill is unlikely to pass in the near term, Assemblyman John Burzichelli believes it’s “just a matter of at what point” a bill like this will pass in New Jersey. (More)
The New York Times | Dec. 6, 2013
In “For Love of Animals,” Dr. Camosy links his concern for animals to his beliefs on abortion, arguing that the Catholic ethics of respect for life and care for the vulnerable should make us reconsider how we treat animals. The Catholic catechism permits meat eating, he told me, “but with two qualifications: we owe animals kindness, and it’s wrong to cause them to suffer needlessly.” The clear implication, he said, is that except for the poor who can’t get food other ways, everyone has a duty at least to avoid eating factory-farmed animals. (More)
The Seattle Times | July 19, 2012
Congress is now more polarized than at any time since Civil War Reconstruction. As we barrel toward a nasty presidential election, things will get even worse. (More)
Slate | Nov. 16, 2010
Making good on the claim to support pregnant women. This would of course mean supporting legislation that does this, but it means far more than this—especially if we don't want to alienate pro-lifers that are uncomfortable with big government solutions to social problems. (More)
The San Francisco Chronicle | Oct. 2, 2009
We are in the morally tragic situation of having no choice but to ration care-something which happens each day in this country already. Medicaid, for instance, currently does not pay anywhere near the total bill. Its reimbursement rate for prenatal care, for instance, is so poor (in many cases around 30 percent) that OB/GYN physicians who take pregnant women on Medicaid are often nowhere to be found. We should, no doubt, object to certain kinds of rationing methods. But the solution cannot be to pretend to avoid rationing. Even our private insurance companies ration care - and often based on morally repugnant criteria like preexisting conditions and ability to pay. (More)